Tuesday, 12 October 2010

New works and SoloExhibition at RedBubble

The Solo exhibition at Red bubble is now live, and tomorrow is the reception. If you'd like to talk about any paintings, ( or anything really!) follow the link below and come along

Join me at Fee Dickson's Solo Exhibition, 'Beauty and the Beach'

This exhibition, and other upcoming shows has inspired me to do some new work, a series based on the rural landscape around my parent's house in France.

Unusually for me, I'm not painting either from photos or from life, but from memory. It's a fun experiment. Seeing as it's where I walked the dog for 4 years, I know the landscape pretty well, and I'm trying to show it in my favourite early morning light. ( though, I have to admit to slight cheating... I think the sun is rising in the North in my paintings...)

The colour values don't quite match the paintings at present, as I have no photoshop here in France, but it's a little taster of what I have been up to..